Branch Contacts

To send an email to one of the branch contacts simply click one of the underlined posts or names.

Key Contacts

Post Name(s) Phone
Branch Contact: Kevin Wooton 07708 698318
Press & Publicity Co-ordinator: (Position Vacant)
Report Pub Information: If you have any news about pub openings, change of landlords, closures, or other interesting news, let us know at
Report Beer Festival Information: If you know of a local pub or club beer festival that isn't already listed on our Beer Festivals Page then please let us know at

Branch Committee

Post Name(s) Phone
Chairman: Owen Jackson 07568 488876
Secretary: Kevin Wooton 07708 698318
Membership Secretary: David Pritchard 023 8184 4603
Treasurer: David Etheridge
Pub Preservation Officer: (Position Vacant)
Ordinary Members: Nigel Watts
Peter Olding
Tony Moore

Other Roles & Beer Festivals

Post Name(s) Phone
Social Coordinator: Norman Clinnick 023 8039 4772; 07974 837868
Press & Publicity Co-ordinator (Position Vacant)
Hop Press Editor: (Position Vacant)
Cider Representative: Laura Duddridge
LocAle Coordinator: (Position Vacant)
Pubs Officer: Deric Payne 023 8089 0080; 07821 815986
Clubs Officer: Kathy O'Neill 023 8064 2246
Regional Representative: Ian Drinkwater
Southampton Beer Festival: Kevin Wooton 07708 698318
Winchester Beer Festival: Vinay Narang  
Woolston Beer Festival: Kevin Wooton 07708 698318
Webmaster: Pete Horn 07968 809291
WhatPub data coordinator: Pete Horn 07968 809291
Branch Auditors: Pete Simpson,
Pete Horn,
Kathy O'Neill

023 8064 2246

Brewery Liaison Officers

Brewery Name Phone
Alfred's Brewery, Winchester David Hoggett
Bat Country Brewery, East Wellow Peter Olding
Botley Brewery, Botley Andy Burrows
Breakbeat, Southampton (Position Vacant)
Brew Forest, Mount Pleasant (Position Vacant)
Brewhouse & Kitchen (Southampton), Southampton Nigel Watts
Brockenhurst Brewery, Brockenhurst (Position Vacant)
CrackleRock Brewing Company, Botley Phil Rosenthal
Dancing Man Brewery, Southampton Robert Castle
Dead Duck, Hale (Position Vacant)
Drop The Anchor, Hinton Roanne Moore
Flack Manor, Romsey Caroline Walsh
Flower Pots Brewery, Cheriton David Pritchard 023 8061 3459
Monkey Brewhouse, Lymington (Position Vacant)
Pig Beer, Setley (Position Vacant)
Queen Inn, Winchester (Position Vacant)
Steam Town Brew Co, Eastleigh Peter Olding
Unity, Southampton Tony Moore
Vibrant Forest Brewery, Hardley Deric Payne 023 8089 0080